cool verse.
I'm a mom, so today I:
-gave Paige a popsicle at 8:30 a.m. for celebrating "poop in the potty"
-tried not to get too upset when Brooke didn't cuddle when she took her bottle (again)
-got down on the ground and PLAYED with Paige at Little Gym instead of talking with my friends
-held Paige's hand and 1-2-3 JUMPED the curb when going to the car
-took Paige to McDonald's for lunch and went into the playplace with her because she wanted me to go down the slide with her
-added more ketchup to the ketchup pile even though there was already plenty there
-walked a little slower so Paige could carry the heavy bag
-read 4 books before nap time and sang 2 songs
--got REALLY excited about seeing a school bus
-drove the long way home to see the horsies
-played peek-a-boo and offered toys instead of holding Brooke down the way I usually do for her diaper change
-etc. etc. etc.
I definitely have moments when I really try and make life more fun for my kids. But ya know .. and well, we all know .. it's the kids that make life more fun.
When I was at McDonald's (see bullet point above), I saw moms, babysitters, dads, grammas, and whoever else hanging out with their kids. The majority of people walked in looking TIRED ... exhausted from the day and trying to find rest (sanctuary even) at ... yes it's true ... McDonald's. Anyways - I was kind of people watching while we were eating and I saw this one woman playing with a 7 year old girl. She didn't want to - you could tell. The little girl was grabbing her (mother's?) hands, running in circles around her while laughing hysterically despite her mother's total lack of interest. The little girl was in her own world, having the time of her life. I have SOOO been there; trying to catch a break from the kids but the kids are hanging ALL OVER ME .. surrounding me ... pulling on me... grabbing and staring and doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to get my attention ... man, is it just me, or is that annoying????
Today I got to take a step back ... and from the outside, the "tired adult:crazy kiddo" interaction looks a lot different. It looks like a "grown up" being lured, tempted and I even want to go as far as to say seduced by a child's persistent playfulness: laughing, giggling, staring, tugging, stomping, jumping, twirling, PULLING, just REACHING for SOMETHING, SOME kind of response ... but with absolutely no concern, I'm talking ZERO concern -- for how the adult feels. All they know is that they want with every ounce of energy and love in ways that they can't define.
hmm, I like that. All they know is that they WANT with every ounce of energy, and LOVE in ways they can't define ...
Get this ... I kept watching their interaction, and suddenly it happened ... the 7 year old's actions broke through and her mom couldn't hold it in any longer ... mom looked at her daughter and surrendered. They connected. I watched the mother crack a smile, burst into laughter, and reach out to her daughter. They soon became a laughing, giggling, tugging, stomping, jumping, twirling good time.
That's the stuff. Right there ... good friggen stuff.
"I praise you Father, for you have hidden things from the wise... and revealed them to little children" Matthew 11:25