Thursday, June 18, 2009

feeling good!!

I FINALLY got myself back into the gym this morning!!!  I have been on an 8 week hiatus due to some serious morning sickness.  I can't believe how much it takes it out of ya .. 

anyways .. I never shared this while I was doing it .. but starting in late Sept. '08, I did the Body For Life program .. it's a 12 week weight training program designed specifically for CHANGE!!  I lost just under 30 lbs and I was feeling SO great!!  I did it with this pregnancy in mind .. knowing that I'd be in better shape to start, better mind set, and well .. there's just nothing but benefits to being in good shape!!!  The 12 weeks turned into 6 months .. and then pregnancy happened .. then miscarriage ... then pregnancy again.  5 lbs of craziness crept back on .. but I was still working out regularly.  

ANYWAYS ... in the past 15 weeks of pregnancy, I've gained exactly 15 pounds!!!!!  I know that some gain is normal .. but I've never packed it on quite this fast!!  I just keep remembering one thing:  GRACE.  I gotta have it .. and I gotta give it to myself in this 9 months.  

I'm definitely rambling ... it's just nice to be back in the gym .. day 1 today ... thought I'd share this time. 

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