Wednesday, October 1, 2008

An old blog that I never published ...

I wrote this exactly 3 months ago ... wanted to see what you guys thought about it ... 

I have some questions ... 
Does evil actually exist, or is evil defined as the absence of good? 
If evil exists, doesn't that mean it was created?  Is a perfect God capable of creating something that has no part in Him? 
If evil is the "absence of good" .. then explain the Tree of Knowledge between good and evil??  
I guess the Tree could be the, "Knowledge of good and the 'absence of good'" ... I just don't get how the "absence of good" is so very, very evil. 

My mind is churning ...  I'm sick to my stomach tonight.  

I read an article about a 16 year old boy launching an 8 month old baby off of an air pillow ... I read the article: "Flying Baby Lands Teen Behind Bars," and then was stupid enough to watch the video.  I don't know why I do that to myself.  I really, REALLY shouldn't put those images in my head .. but tonight I made the mistake and now I'm broken for the 8 month old baby that was so disregarded .. used.  I'm just sick.  

(I will add here that the baby did not get physically injured)

Tonight, on my way up to bed, I kissed my sweet Paige and then I just had to go in and hold Brooke.  I went in, picked her up, and just HELD my baby.  I just love my Brooke and I am so so broken for babies that don't get to be loved.  It makes me want to open my home to all of them and rescue them ... I'm just broken.  I hate that kid.  I'm so mad at him for being so evil .. so disgusting and wrong and hurtful and sick ..I hate him .. I really do.  I hate him and I want him to suffer for what he did.  It all comes out when I'm holding my Brooke.  

When I'm holding pure innocence in my my arms ... she didn't stay asleep .. she woke up and when she saw me, she didn't just smile, she LAUGHED ... she LAUGHED ... joyful that her mommy picked her up and held her ... so much love for her ... so much. 

As I'm writing this, (with my eyes closed attempting to let the feelings flow and not get caught up in the words) Mercy is awakening in my soul.  Mercy for that teenager .. mercy for him too.  It's so not fair, but it is... if I get it, he gets it ... and guess what?  He deserves it.  Guh, why is that such a burden?  I'm torn because it's both frustrating and beautiful.  

So really, what is it that made him do that?  Is it the presence of evil in his life .. or has his life been simply SO lacking in Goodness that he knows nothing more?  I feel like I need to come to some sort of resolution in this to complete this blog .. but all I can do is come up with my thoughts. 

I think it's both .. I think he did it because the absence of good in his life created evil ... so the presence of evil in his life made him act... oww, my brain. 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Wow! I don't really have an answer for you but oh how that stirs something in me. He gets the same grace I get? I guess I have to re-evaluate, again, my inflated sense of self. The evil vs. absence of good thing would be interesting to think about as it pertains to Satan's beginnings.'re right...that makes my brain hurt.
P.S. Did I miss something, or did you remove your last blog? I liked it...wanted to read it again today.